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Thank you for your donations!

Brandon Burton
Janet Cline
Wayson King
Harper Sexton
Julie Long
Liz Hern
Wilma Wells
The Giffords
Charlotte Crites
Shelby Crites
Debra Barnhill
Hannah Carter
Lou Washington
Marilyn Mason
Brian Barhorst
Nellie Middleton
Christy McCleese
Amy Abell
James L Heaberlin
Barb Kiser
Abby Morgan
Patty Bond
Jackson Bond
Donna Kennell
Renodia Caudill
Brenda Dehart
Reina Hernandez
Amanda Calhoun
Olivia Carroll
Andrea Henderson
Olive Hill Center for Arts & Heritage
My House of Horror
Christy Rodgers
Aaron Isaac
Zorne's Home Improvement
Terri Ernst
Mark Zornes
Ely & Vemerlyn Sagansay
Halley Burge
Chris and Lalona Hall
Gregory and Vickie Howard
Jamanda Thompson
Crystal Hall
Twanita Cooper
Karen Womack
Brandon Burton for donating the
St. Patrick's Day party pizza.
For donating the Essay Contest winnings.
* Janet Cline
* Brandon Burton - Brandon's Auto Care
* Wayson King - My House of Horror
* Jeremy D. Wells - Carter County Times
* Robbie Garris - RG Network Solutions LLC
* Jason Duvall - Duvall and Moore Funeral Home and Cremation Service
We would like to give a special thanks to those who have made the "Summer Reading 2024" program so amazing.
* Carter County Schools Child Nutrition Services
* Operation Care Family Resource Center OHES
* Prichard Family Resource Center
* David Gee
* Cory Claxon
* Olive Hill Center for Arts & Heritage
Those who came & set up.
* Kynect
* Ann Colbert & Band
* Northeast Headstart
* Carter Caves State Resort Park
*U.S. Army Corps
Those who donated items to make our Pizza Party happen
* My House of Horror
* Zornes Home Improvement
* Friends of the CCPL
* Donna Church
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